5 Most Common E-Commerce Challenges And How to Overcome Them

Performance marketing agency

“Running an online business in Delhi feels like trying to make your mark in Connaught Place during rush hour. It’s like everybody is offering the same products. How do I get noticed?”

“We get good online traffic, people browse & add things to their carts, and then…barely any checkouts. How to bring them back and close the sale?”

“Getting a sale is often a one-time thing. I want to keep my customers coming back but retaining them is tougher than I thought.”

Wondering who is being quoted in these statements? Well, these are some commonly encountered worries that consume all business owners at some point or another. 

While the popularity of e-commerce businesses is gaining momentum due to convenience and abundance, you can’t turn your face from the evident pitfalls the industry tends to bring upon you.

Now that you’re still with us on this article, we assume you’re an online business owner and can somehow relate to at least one of the bummers stated in the beginning.

You want to know more right? Well, you’re in for a treat. Follow us as we lead you to know some of the most common e-commerce challenges in the market today and what can we do to overcome them. Of course, you can contact a smart performance marketing agency in Delhi to solve your queries.

List of common e-commerce challenges

Life is unpredictable and so are its hurdles. Sure, you can’t foresee every problem you’re going to face in your business. But knowing a handful of them and tackling them successfully, can get you a long way. Let’s eye some of the hurdles and learn the methods to surpass them as well.

1. Growing competition

On the one hand, where having fierce competition can overwhelm you as it constantly pushes you to do more to stand out of the crowd; it also tells you that as an entrepreneur, you are perhaps on the right path. After all, if your product has cut-throat competition in the market, it definitely has a huge demand from customers too. 

Think of it as a chance to emulate what’s already out there and leave a lasting impression on your customers.

What you can do

Start by crafting a strategy from competitor analysis. By doing so, you can abreast yourself of the strengths and weaknesses of your rivals and make a few alterations to your plans. Particulars like pricing, product offerings, marketing strategies and customer service of other businesses can tell you how to place yourself in the market.

Aim for top-notch quality in whatever product or service you offer to keep your customers coming back. Make the purchase a distinguished experience for them by giving special discounts or exclusive offers that give you a competitive edge. 

Don’t know how to develop such strategies? Get in touch with the leading performance marketing company in Delhi to build a distinctive place in the market.

2. Insufficient customer engagement

Customer engagement is good for business. Sure you know that! But did you know how important it is to draw a line between providing them with something valuable and not inundating them? Involving your audiences in a way that makes them feel cared for and keeps them wanting for more simultaneously is the key to successful lead nurturing.

What you can do

If you wish to nurture healthy relationships with your potential customers, you need to take care of what content you are feeding them with at every stage of their buyer’s journey. 

Start by knowing your audience and then segmenting them into categories based on some common traits such as interests or demographics. 

Once done, tailor messages for each category or group which should serve them as per their inclinations and preferences. Make sure the content you share with them is adding some value to their life and not merely selling your product or service.

3. Low conversion rates

Talking about e-commerce challenges, convincing visitors to buy something from your store might just top the list. To be honest, there are so many stores, both online and offline selling similar products and services as you are, so why should people prefer you to others? The answer lies in how you capture customer’s attention and make them believe that you are giving something special. Aren’t they actually special?

What you can do

Start with making user-friendly checkouts. Check if you have any long forms making the payment process complicated, as it can turn off the potential customers and you might lose out on some conversions. Make sure you have relevant payment options working for you and that all the necessary information is right in front of the customer before they make the purchase. 

Who doesn’t love a good offer while placing an order? Whether in the form of some good discounts or free shipping for a first-time buyer, perhaps an early bird access to a new range of products. This makes your customers feel they are seen and their investment is valued. 


Worried about how to make your audience aware of your products and offers? Targeted marketing campaigns that reach your ideal audiences is the answer! 

With the top performance marketing company in Delhi at your disposal, getting conversions shouldn’t be an issue.

4. Shopping cart abandonment

Let’s admit the fact that we all have time and again added our favourite products to carts only to let them remain in them for an indefinite period. This can be because of anything from not getting great offers, added shipping charges, difficult checkout processes, or maybe just a change of mood. Statistics say that an average of 70% of online shoppers leave their products in their carts. Hence, it is a huge obstacle to the growth of e-commerce businesses.

What you can do

Think of how you can simplify the checkout process for your customers. Check if all the elements within your website or app navigation system are working properly so visitors don’t get stuck at any point. The fewer the number of stages, the more the chances of complete purchases. 

Also, be certain that there are “add item/product’ buttons on each page of the website so that the user knows exactly where to click when they are ready to buy a product. 

Additionally, running retargeting ads can be a blessing for your brand in minimizing cart abandonment. Reach out to an expert performance marketing company in Delhi to get into the crux of it.

5. Poor customer retention

So you get your customers to your online store, they make a buy and perhaps never come back. Of course, the purpose is solved but is that enough? No, right? Because who doesn’t want their customers to come back again and make more purchases? Marketers know the magic of retaining customers and how it takes creativity and well-thought-out plans to execute the strategies.

What you can do

ive them a personalized experience that encourages them to come back. To achieve that, you can track user preferences and treat them to some relevant offers and personal discounts on stuff they often look for. Let them know how well you know your customers. You might want to mention its exclusivity because they chose your brand. Don’t we all want someone to make us feel that we are unique?

Make the most of push notifications! Be keen on actively reminding your existing customers to come back and check out the new exciting range of products you have introduced. You can do this when the user is not active on the website or the application on their devices.

This way, even if your customers tend to forget your brand, you make sure to send them a push notification & tell them you’re waiting for them. 

Closing wisdom

Running an e-commerce business in the present scenario where everything has a fierce and ruthless competition is a feat in itself. Of course, you will be bogged down with the challenges it entails every once in a while, but that should not make you give up. 

Like everything else, e-commerce challenges can also be surmounted by embracing proven strategies and smart tactics.

Do you know what’s the best part? You don’t have to do it alone. Join hands with the best performance marketing agency in Delhi to overcome these obstacles and escalate your business multi-dimensionally! 

At Socio Labs, we don’t just directly start pitching our services. We listen proactively, suggest what can be done on your part and then help you with our marketing superpowers.

Performance marketing agency